Short update, because I’m still working on it (even though I now believe I’ve taken on more than I can chew).
Maven PHP Update
New Project and GitHub is Awesome
I don’t know if I’m taking on too much here, but I’m trying to get maven-php-plugin to work again (because I want it for my WordPress plug-in. This is the GitHub repository: maven-php-plugin
Just in a couple of days I found a lot of awesome GitHub features. Projects were one.
The One With WordPress
So I got bored and decided I want to see if I can create a plug-in for WordPress (this page previously ran on WordPress). So I did.
The One With So Much Work
I hate JavaFX now. In the past I liked it, because I liked the design and everything about it. Now with Java 11 it’s so ridiculous hard to build an application, that I’ll just stop doing it. However… I updated the JavaFX / Maven Example:
The One With the Trashcan
Before all this started, I had an Eclipse repository with 3 (or so) plug-ins. I hated most of them. And even with that few plug-ins I learned why it’s a good idea to have one repository per plug-in: issues and commits where scrambled, and the lifecycle did not work at all.
The One With the Robots
Well I’m up to my neck in the next project(s), but the update for today is: I made a beautiful repository for the cute little robots:
The One With the Many Red Squares
So after fixing the blueprint up, I thought I’d fix one of the challenges based on that as well. Turns out the Tribes Challenge was in pretty good shape already. So that was easy:
The One With the Red Square
So after trying a couple of things back and forth I decided that my blueprint for coding challenges should have been a Maven archetype. Which was really hard to achieve, and I had worked with archetypes in the past.
The One With the Blocks
So today I didn’t do much (for my GitHub projects at least), but enough to “finish” my Tetris challenge. Take a look!
I Wanted To Go to Bed Early...
…but my washing machine was still washing, so I quickly put the lit on another one of the little examples I have on GitHub: