MP4 Spliterator

Getting Started


You need at least an installed Java 8 or above to run the code. You can download it from


Just download the last release and extract it in a folder of your choice, then double click the EXE file.

One of the first things the application does is to download ffmpeg. You can speed up this progress by downloading it yourself and entering the location of the downloaded file in the init wizard.

Split MP4 Into Chapters

Splitting an MP4 into chapters is an easy process which can be done in very little clicks:

Merge and Split Chapters

If you want to export one or more chapters into a single file, you can use the button Merge chapters.

The merged chapters are then displayed together in a group:

To revert this process you can use the button Split chapters.

Note: To select multiple videos at once use Shift (contiguous selection) or CTRL (selection of separate elements).


You can customize the chapter export via Window → Preferences.

The following settings can be changed: