package de.slothsoft.charts;

import de.slothsoft.charts.common.Border;

 * This class represents a part of the {@link Chart} that is not used for the actual
 * graph. Classes are connected like this: <br>
 * <img src="" alt=
 * "UML Diagram"><br>
 * Common {@link ChartPart}s are:
 * <ul>
 * <li>{@link Border}</li>
 * </ul>
 * @author Stef Schulz
 * @since 0.1.0

public interface ChartPart extends Drawable {

	 * Paints the current content onto the graphic context. Checks the instructions for
	 * what to paint. Coordinates are starting from the top left with 0|0 and ending
	 * bottom right with something like 800|600.
	 * @param gc graphic context; coordinates are relative to the {@link Chart}
	 * @param instructions additional instructions like the area to paint on

	void paintOn(GraphicContext gc, PaintInstructions instructions);

	 * This method removes space from the existing area to make room for this part. E.g. a
	 * part on the left of the graph would increase the x and decrease the width.
	 * @param existingArea the area this part could use
	 * @return the area for the next parts

	default Area snipNecessarySpace(Area existingArea) {
		return existingArea;